Trail Run Saturday 2/18/2012: Ran with Eugene leading and the group we ran the Wissihickon Trails in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. This run was about 8 miles with some nice challenging hills and hill repeats. JJ came along for the run too! He had a blast and saw so many other dogs on the trails.
A great run and I felt really strong on the climbs and took it easy on the flats. I wanted to beat my quads up on hills so that when I train on level ground I would be stronger. Plus this also helps when racing if you run harder on practice runs.
West River Drive out and Back 2/19/2012: Well I woke up really early with the crys of the baby Lillian and I couldn't go back to sleep. So I thought I would go the gym and run on the treadmill 4-5 miles. So I drive down and remembered that the gym didn't open until 8 am. So I couldn't wait and drove back home changed quickly and went for a run on West River Drive.
It was a little chilly at first on the way out. I think the temperature was in the 30's. I'm not like most runners and I'd rather be warmer from the start and stay warm.
Because I was only going to run a couple miles at the gym, I figure if I go outside, I might as well do more. So I ended up running 7 miles with a brief back workout at the gym. I was averaging miles in the 7:20 min/mile and I felt great. Especially after doing a hard trail run the day before. Running on the flat West River Drive was a great recovery run for my beat up legs.
Today wore my Brooks Pure Flow shoes, Brooks Spartan Pants, Brooks Essential Running Jacket.