Thursday, December 15, 2011

Fairmount Running Club: Christmas Light Run through Philly

Night Started out at at the Fairmount Running Company on 20th and Fairmount Ave

Macy's Light Show: Market Street

Steve and Phil Standing by the Famous Eagle in Macy's, formally Strawbridges

Love Park

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Fairmount Running Club Holiday Party 12/9/11

 Another Fun Fairmount Running Club Holiday Party!!!! This year the party was held at Urban Saloon. 21st and Fairmount Ave.
The party started out at 7 pm and lasted all night.  We all had fun socializing with friends, runners, family members and baby's in the womb.  I loved seeing members who have come to group runs, volunteered and have been apart of the club throughout the year.
Night started out with Katherine Ross, in a beautiful dress, setting up the room and Alyse Reynolds assisting with the glasses. I arrived and was helping with our annual gift exchange set up.  (this is normally a free for all bonanza) Everyone who brings a gift received a ticket so that later they can come up and pick a wrapped gift.  The assortment of food was set up on the side of the room buffet style.  We had our own bar in the back corner for the party.
Members started arriving and I was nuts with my camera.

Christi- Luke-Phil

Kathy and Kathy

Jessica and Eugene
Then around 9pm the gift exchange took place and boy were there some funny ones again this year.  But Jessica just wanted to stick with the basic gift cards to CVS and Dunkin Donuts.  Jess wouldn't let them get stolen so she hide them in a undisclosed location.
Check out all my fun photos and have a good time.....
Have a Happy Holiday Season and Stay healthy but most of all have fun!!!!!!!

Art and Me

Phil- Tom "Tug Boat" -me

Steve Hamilton

Jason -Me
Me- Michelle
Kathy- Me
Me- Mike
Eugene- Me
Dave- Me

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Stormy Night!!! Short Run!!!!

Last night was one of those crazy nights: Do I run in the downpour? or do I stay in the nice cozy warm house?  My runners from the Fairmount Running Club were expecting me so I had to go to the Fairmount Running Co. to lead.
Only two others showed up to brave the 50 degree temperatures but the wind must have had 30 mph guest and every couple minutes the rain storm would get worse.

Hope my next group run won't be this depressing.

See you at the runs!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

JJ's longest Run

Today 11/27/11 was one of the most beautiful November days and we probably won't see one of these this year.  Weather was a mild 55 sunny day to start the run at 8:45 this morning.
Meet up with Eugene G. and John C. and my new running partner JJ (cocker spaniel puppy)  In Philadelphia as it is better none as the drives, East (Kelly) and West (MLK) we run the Loop - it is a 8.45 mile in distance.

Running the Loop today was a first for me in a long time during a training run.  So I thought I'm not going to run too fast lets bring JJ.  The only issue though JJ had was he's longest run has only been 5 miles.  I wouldn't know for sure what the little boy could handle.  So let's go and do it!
We started on the usually Kelly Drive 1st and then West River Drive 2nd.
Everything was going really well and JJ loves to run in the pack.  Even when Eugene likes to run on his own JJ wanted to catch up to him.  When we reached Falls Bridge (half way point) there was no problem.  JJ did look like he needed to drink a gallon of water.  Philadelphia has a bunch of water fountains on the path, but water was turned off for the winter months.  So there is a small waterfall on the side of the road and little JJ climbed up the side so he can get a quick drink.
As we finished the run JJ was clearly exhausted.  I thought this was going to be the greatest quiet day in the house now.
The only problem now is that JJ's lower body was so dirty and I had to throw him in the tub for a bath.
JJ wasn't allowed in the house because his paws were so dirty.

Check out all the mud on the those pads and hair.

JJ was so good in the tub and he loved the warm water and the rub down he got from Jess and I. After that he was let out of the bathroom, sat down and then went over to the window to let the sun beat down on his coat.

 But after he went to dry off he got tired and passed out. 
This is what it really feels like to run almost 9 miles.

Let's see how well JJ will feel on Monday.  Time will tell!!!!

Good the Bad the Ugly!

I had a great run in Wilkes Barre for Thanksgiving.  I ran some killer hills.  The inclines were about 12-15% grade and was an extreme heart pounding experience. 
Ran close to hour and half. I felt beat up after that run since I really haven't done a hill workout this difficult in a long time.  Some spots on the climbs it felt like I was running in place.  My quads and my calves could barely propel my body up the hills. 
But I love the hills and I always say that after running hills, the flat training is so much easier. 
Once I made it back to the house, Jessica said, you stick and need to take a shower now!  I was taking off my shirt and I felt a bump on the left side of my abdomen. I looked down to find the most disgusting thing, a Tick was head first dug into my body.  Everyone wanted to find out why I was screaming, and when I told them I had a tick stuck in my body. 
I grabbed anyone who would pull this damn creature out of my side.
Then Jess's cousin got some tweezers and I fell down to the floor and tried to have the little rascal yanked out of my body.  The little tick must have used it's barbed teeth and locked on my body after it dug in.  It was difficult for him to pull the entire tick out.
Once the tick was pulled out of my side we saved the disgusting critter and placed it in a bag and put some alcohol on the infected area and a medicated bandage.  I have never seen a tick bite on a human being and it is mess.  Now I have to just watch the area and I'm going to call a doctor for an appointment.  
More to come!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Check out this video!
Nice Run tonight with Steve H.  it was the night before Thanksgiving and we completed a nice 35 min run down Kelly drive. Not many people out there.  I still can't figure out why people don't show up for the group run out of all the people listed on our FaceBook page.  You would think out of over 400 people you'd at least get about 20.  But know one! this is sad for my running club.  I just have to try harder to get people out for the runs.
Steve and I just cruised at an easy pace and just talked about his upcoming marathon he's doing this weekend in Seattle.
I wish him the best. 
Planning on getting some nice runs in during the long weekend and just relax on Saturday.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

NJEA Convention 2011 5k Race 11/11/11

This years NJEA Convention 5k Race was a great one!
The race is held every year in conjunction with the annual NJEA Teachers Association Convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey. I always have a great time and see fellow teachers in all disciplines. On the Friday of the convention there is always a 5k race to have fellow teachers and friends do something physically active.  It's a shame that teachers, don't take part in the morning event.

Race day was 11/11/11 and it was truly a windy day. The wind gust must have been 20-30 mph. with sand blown across the Atlantic City Board Walk.
There was one young kid who showed up and took off from the beginning. Another guy and myself had a hard time even keeping up with him so we let him take off.  And about half mile into the race I left the other guy and ran on my own. That was a great decision to make because the other guy wasn't running the 6 minute pace I wanted to keep. 
I felt great running in my Brooks Green Silence, which felt great on the Atlantic City Board walk.

The race went very well when I approached the 1/2 way point turn around. I found out that I had a nice lead on the other runners.  I continued to keep my pace and fight through the wind.
When I saw the finish line approaching, at Atlantic City Boardwalk Hall, I tried to use whatever I had left. 
I was so happy with the result of finishing 1st NJEA member, and 2nd overall. 
With a finishing time of 18:42.
About 2 hours later I went to the awards ceremony and thought I was just going to receive the regular silver mug, I found out that 1st NJEA member wins a beautiful glass trophy.

1st Place Male & Female Members
1st Place NJEA Member

Great race this year and I hope to run it again next year!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday Night FRC group run 11/2/11

This was JJ after the 5 miler run tonight. We had a great FRC group run from the Fairmount Running Company
Tonight there were over 15 people and some nice splinter groups that took off.  1st Steve and some new guys went off, after telling me they were going to take it easy.  Yeah Right!
I stayed with Maria and then Naomi and Tom came up from behind. 
The entire run JJ had stayed on stride with the pack.  He just loved it and is so tired that he has no idea what he's doing. His body wants to collapse but he needs to keep moving.

Then Luigi, Steve and Anthony came a couple minutes later up Fairmount Ave.
I even saw Art Donley out there walking tonight. Everyone felt great and I hope to see the great group at next weeks Wednesday night run.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Look for The Stick at the New York City Marathon Expo:

 Nov 3-5th at the Javits Center in NYC

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Nasty Weather out Here in Philly

What's happening people. All I know is that it's just too nasty outside to even train.  Didn't start out to bad but then the day went down hill.
Wow! I finally made it to the gym for a run the the "DreadMill" as my friend Adam calls it.  Then did an awesome shoulder and balance workout.
I can't believe I lasted on the Treadmill.  It was difficult since I haven't been on it for almost 9months.
Keep the pace relatively easy 8.0 then at 2.5miles bumped it up to 9.0 and just cruised. I just wanted to do the workout and get off that device.

The shoulder routine was 8 sets of 15 reps: Upright Rows with bar, each set increasing the weight slightly.
After that was what I call the fronts and backs- lat raises and front raises.
4 sets of 12-15 reps.
Then shoulder press with 20lbs on a balance board
Following with 1 arm cable pull backs with 20lbs    3 sets 15-20 reps.
Then I added DB arm curls on balance wobble board. 3 sets of 15 reps with additional 10 reps of shoulder press on top of board.
Took a long hot shower at the gym and came home for a huge bowl of pasta and a protein bar.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fairmount Running Club Wednesday night comfort run has now been starting at the Fairmount Running Company . We do an out and back run, approximate 4.5 miles. 
Tonight was a nice cool evening and we had a great group of runners joining us.
You should come out next week for a nice group run and add some miles to your training. Hopefully the weather will be as nice as it was tonight....
See you at the runs!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Juvinile Diabetis 5k

Sunday's Race was a funny one.
Juvinile Diabetis Foundation 5k    10/23/11
I can say that I had my best time or I can go with the guy whose GPS watch told the truth.  The race was measured incorrectly. But if anything this was my best finish in a while.
2nd Place Overall!!!!
1st in Age Group

So I had to go out for another run-for a cool down but also to add the mileage in that I wanted to run for the day.
Nothing to hack Charity Races but please STOP charging an arm and a leg for a race and then have the course marked incorrectly.
Another issue I have about all these charity events: Please tell the Volunteers at the post Race/Event areas to watch to food to keep it for POST EVENT!
I can't stand seeing all the items gone even before the walk/run/bike-a-thon begins.
Event Directors need to put your foot down.  It's nice that there is a Charity trying to race funds, but this was a disgrace how much stuff was taken before the start. 
And people.... if you are walking, just go walk and stop carrying 20lbs of: bananas, pretzels, drinks, ice cream, etc. Just walk and post event you can take as much and you can after you did a good deed for your charity of choice.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

AC 1/2 marathon Photo

Running the Atlantic City 1/2 marathon this past weekend. What a beautiful day.
This was the 1st time wearing Vital Socks
Thanks to the race director Genia Chapman for putting on a great race!!!  Nice Course!!!
Next year I'd like to run the full marathon if I have time.
Thanks for the pictures.

Rosie Run-10-20-11 6:15pm

The run tonight was nice and steady! We had a nice group tonight -Rosie, Steve, Joanne, and the Army dudes. and of course JJ (crazy Cocker Spaniel).
Started off with an easy warm-up 1mile out and back on Kelly Drive.
Then from there we went over to Lemon Hill for loop repeaters.
We had nice pace through the ups and downs- and JJ picked it up on the inclines. I think he liked that the best!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday night Art Museum Steps Run

Had a great training run tonight: FRC steps run.  Legs are still a bit sore from running the AC 1/2 marathon Sunday.
I took JJ to tire him out, and it worked.
We had a nice group of runners tonight. All levels are welcome every Tuesday for an awesome workout at the Art Museum Steps in Phila. 6:45pm
We run for 1/2 hour.